Monday, February 1, 2010

Boston Day 3 - Children's Museum

I started feeling better in the evening of Day 3 so we hit the Children's Museum for a couple hours before it closed. Here Mommy and I try to create a giant bubble around us.

Here we could knock around these marbles.

Daddy is color blind so I picked out a "manly" pair of goggles for him.

Daddy helped me paint out my name.

They had an area where you could play with some construction equipment.

Mommy, is this safe for me to play with?

Uncle Rob would be proud that I played the drums.

Where to Daddy?

They even had a huge shopping area! Daddy's friend Joel would say "That's women's work", but Daddy and I had fun in there.

Maybe I'll be a pilot when I grow up.

Here is the Children's Museum from the outside.

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