Sunday, February 3, 2008

More Friends

The doc's orders were to stay out of malls and public places for the first two months. Landen has still had plenty of opportunities to meet everyone though.

Here Adam and Liza came to visit him in the hospital. Soon Landen will meet Adam and Liza's children Jack and Anakarina. Anakarina was born just a few days after Landen and is still in Liza's tummy here.

Joel and Nichole came to visit us next. Joel was scared to hold Landen so we have no pictures of him with Landen. Joel will have to get over this phobia soon, since they will have a little one of their own in July. Landen is excited that he'll be able to have a little friend to beat up.

Over Christmas Tyler and Dana braved the bad weather to see Landen. They brought him a cute coat that is like a bear costume.

Here Landen is with Justin and and Mishi. During this visit Justin and Mike decided it was their mission to finish off a whole container of cheese popcorn sold by the boy scouts. Since in this picture Landen does not have orange cheese dust all over him it is fair to say the girls held him most of the time.

Chuong and Jaleen stopped by on their way back to Denver from Jaleen's parent's place.

Here Josh, Kennedy, Mike, and Landen are hanging out (thats how they roll). Kennedy is Landen's first little friend.

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